The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Zephaniah 3:14-18; Isaiah 12; Luke 1:39-56

In not very many words, Luke tells us a lot about Mary - indeed, almost all we know about her for sure, comes from his writing. It is difficult to think that anyone could every be a more complete person. She was a Mother, a Wife, and a deeply spiritual person who not only knew the Hebrew scriptures well, but also gave time to ponder upon them. Her most famous prayer, contained in today's Gospel, and recited daily by millions of christians around the world, is the Magnificat. It is constructed from several scriptural quotations, but we should not complain that this is plagiarism! No, it is a synthesis - the sum of the whole is much more than the mere total of the parts used.

It should be said every day by everyone at the end of every day - as it reminds us that throughout the day, God has cared for us in innumerable ways. Often, in ways that we don't know. One could either listen to it being sung, or read it to oneself, in either case take the time to listen to the words.

My soul magnifies the Lord,
  and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.
    For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
for he who is mighty has done great things for me,
    and holy is his name.
And his mercy is for those who fear him
    from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm;

he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; he has brought down the mighty from their thrones
    and exalted those of humble estate;
he has filled the hungry with good things,
    and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel,
    in remembrance of his mercy,
as he spoke to our fathers,
    to Abraham and to his offspring forever.

Posted in Daily Reflection.