Parish Giving

Thank you

We are grateful for all the donations that we receive, and every donation made, whether large or small, plays an important role in helping to secure the long-term future of our Church. Your support helps fund St Gregory’s ongoing daily running costs as well as essential maintenance and conservation work that is vital to making sure our beautiful church will continue to be here for centuries to come.

Gift Aid
If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, this will be much appreciated, as this allows us to claim at extra 25p. on every £1 you give from the Treasury.

Standing orders are the easiest way to make regular donations to our parish. They’re a secure and convenient way to give, and they help our parish plan for the future. Please download, and complete the standing order and hand to the parish office. Standing Order Form


Jericho Appeal

Thank you all, for your continued support.


Donate Online

You can make a donation online by selecting the fund that you wish to contribute to below. If you would like to Gift Aid your donation, you only need register your card once and all future donations will have gift aid applied.