O Radix Jesse

Judges 13.2-7,24-25; Psalm 70; Luke 1.5-25

Jesse was the father of King David [I Samuel 16.1-13], David the youngest of his sons. But under David’s grandson Rehoboam, the united kingdom David had brought together was sundered, ten northern tribes declaring “What have we to do with the son of Jesse?”
[I Kings 12.16] A few hundred years later, the last descendant of David was forced into exile by Babylonian invaders. [II Kings 24.1-7] Never again would a King govern the chosen people Israel.

Yet people retained hope for a new David to come to the throne [Isaiah 11.1], a fresh branch to grow out of the felled tree of Jesse. [Amos 9.11-12] For us who believe in him, that expectation reached its fulfilment in the appearance on earth of Great David’s greater Son. [Matthew 22.41-46] A blind beggar addressed Jesus as “Son of David” and thereby invoked his power to heal and save. [Luke 18.35-43] With him and all other disciples of the Son of David we pray, “Root of Jesse, set up as a sign to the peoples, come to save us, and delay no more.”

Posted in Daily Reflection.