Thursday of week 22

1 Corinthians 3:18-23; Psalm 23(24):1-6; Luke 5:1-11

It might seem to be a simple message to draw from this Gospel story. Until Simon Peter follows Jesus' commands, he catches nothing. But it is not quite as simple as that. First of al look to the use of names. Simon at the start of the short event, becomes Peter by the end - Peter, the rock on which the church is built. Simon doubts Jesus's words, despite having listened to him for some time. Note however, Jesus is using Simon's boat to preach from, and he did not ask for permission either! So While Jesus was talking, Simon was unable to fish - his boat was unavailable. Might you perhaps be a bit annoyed if (say) someone borrowed your car for a time when you needed it and without asking?

Peter, however, is overcome after the catch is hauled in. Perhaps he now realises that all the time he needed to be trusting in Jesus, and to be listening (not just hearing) his words? He certainly seems to see that he is unworthy of Jesus's call, when only minutes earlier he could only think of getting back to work in his boat, thank you very much!

Jesus' call is sometimes (oftentimes?) inconvenient when measured on our limited range human scale. But in God's scale of time and effort - the response needed from us to become Jesus's followers is only very slight, and the reward is at the other end of God's scale.

Posted in Daily Reflection.