Acts 4.32-37; Psalm 91; John 3.7-15
Not only were the gifts of the Spirit shared in common by the disciples of Jesus. They also shared their material possessions, and in consequence no one was ever in want.
It is easy to understand how a gift of money or substance can support those in material need. It is perhaps more difficult to understand how gifts of the Spirit [cf I Corinthians 12.4-11] can be employed to help others. Yet the gifts of the Spirit aren’t conglomerated on one or two favoured people. Graces and gifts have been given to everyone who is born of the Spirit. If those spiritual gifts are hoarded, they will not benefit the recipient. Spiritual gifts only reveal their power when they are shared. And when they are, remarkably, the Church is not lacking in any gift. [I Corinthians 1.7]