Wisdom 1:1-7; Psalm 138(139):1-10; Luke 17:1-6
Our first readings this week are all from the Book of Wisdom. In the conventional manner, this book is attirbuted to Solomon, but it was actually written about 1000 years after Solomon's death, it is indeed quite close to the birth of Christ. It was written by, and for, an Helenistic Jewish community in Alexandria - well educated people who perhaps demanded more depth to their spiritual reading than simply commentary on history, or lists of rules to live by.
There are echos perhaps of a prevailing 'Gaia' culture - "the Spirit of the Lord fills the whole world" which is of course true - God created all the world, we are but a part of it. We are a sanctified part of it - but take care not to allow yourself to be 'crafty' nor to place oneslef above creation. Wisdom only comes to those who are correctly humble, those who acknowledge their need to made complete.