Ride and Stride

Ride and Stride

On what turned out to be the hottest day of the year, a good number of our parishioners were out and about raising money for Ride and Stride - a county wide event raising money for Historic Churches. 50% of the donations go directly to our own church preservation fund, the balance to the Historic Churches - who have themselves been most generous in supporting the recent renovation of our church.

Father David and his team walked out into the countryside to visit some of the oldest churches in Gloucestershire. Stella Kinmond and others visited a number of churches in town on foot. Jane, Jayne, Margaret and Tom took to bicycles (one tandem, one trike and one standard) and visited 18 churches during a 34 mile bike ride. John and Zoe Wilson rode a circular tour of Cheltenham churches.

Please give generously! Much has been raised, can we do better?

Posted in News.