We are now actively seeking to recruit for the next Pastoral Ministry Formation course which begins in September 2023. The course is ideal for ANY parishioner who seeks to develop their capacity to serve the parish in anyway which they believe the Lord is calling them. If you are a catechist – this course is for you. If you are a minister in any form – this course if for you. If you are not involved in any way – but would like to be – this course if for you! Interested? – then please do come to one of our information evenings which will be taking place around the Diocese in June. Here you will hear in more detail about the two courses, content of both, time commitment involved and costs including the role of parishes to support those who take on either of the courses.
Jane Andrews has recently completed this program, and would be delighted to discuss it with you. Please find her before the start of 09:30 Sunday Mass with the music group, or click here to email her.
Dates and venues for information sessions are below. Each session starts at 7pm, no need to book, just turn up on the evening.
Thursday 1 June: English Martyrs, Chard
Tuesday 6 June: St George, Taunton
Wednesday 7 June: St Gregory the Great, Cheltenham
Monday 12 June: St George, Warminster
Tuesday 13 June: Sacred Heart, Westbury-on-Trym
Wednesday 14 June: St John the Evangelist, Bath
Thursday 15 June: St Peter, Swindon
Tuesday 20 June: St Margaret Mary, Coleford
With all good wishes,
Sarah Adams
Director for the Department of Adult Education and Evangelisation
Alexander House
160 Pennywell Road
Tel. 07779003431
0117 902 5595