Acts 2:36-41; Psalm 32(33):4-5,18-20,22; John 20:11-18
Paul has been at work in the community, sharing the good news, and in particular explaining to the devout Jewish community how the promise made to them in their books had been fulfilled in Christ Jesus. Luke gives the example of David’s writings (Psalm 16) that his body would not be corrupted’. This could not have been in relation to David himself – as David’s tomb still intact at this time, was available for all to go to see – so David must have been prophesying about the bodily resurrection of Jesus. His arguments were persuasive – that eloquent phrase ‘they were cut to the heart’ barely does justice to the impact of Paul’s discussion with them – and they began to join this new church in great number.
Meanwhile – almost – in our Liturgy today we have the scene in which Mary of Magdala recognises the risen Jesus - when he uses her name. Names are important – and also how we use them. ‘Mary’ we might say – when asking her for something. ‘Mary’ in another voice could be a reprimand. ‘Mary’ in Jesus’ voice – most certainly, expressing his undying love for us all.
Listen to Jesus, calling you by your name, today.