St Kenelm Pastoral Area Confirmation 2025

Joining Confirmation Programm 2025

To help you prepare for your Confirmation, you will be provided with a preparation course at St Gregory’s Cheltenham. The course leaders will go through the Confirmation celebration with you to help you understand its meaning and implications for your life. In this application, you are invited to express your willingness to participate fully in this preparation course in our parish. The course is open to all young people at or above year 9 and still in school. If you are older, and wish to be confirmed in the church, you may find that the Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults would suit you - please contact the Parish Office for details, or speak with any member of the clergy.

You will decide if you wish to go ahead and be confirmed towards the end of the preparation course: it is a decision that you take for yourself as a maturing Christian.

You will find a form below which collects essential information. If there are any difficulties for you accessing and completing this form please contact the Parish office which can send you a paper version which you would then return to the office. This form needs to be completed by December 6th 2024 but the sooner you fill it in the easier it is for the team to be organised to welcome you to the start of the course!

I look forward to your Confirmation, to welcoming you into the fullness of faith within the Church and I pray that God will bless you and your family.

Fr David Mills

Parish Priest

Confirmation Calendar

Sun 02 Feb

9:30 am - Confirmation - Parish Mass followed by Session 1

9:30 am - Confirmation

Sun 09 Feb

9:30 am - Confirmation - Parish Mass followed by Session 2

9:30 am - Confirmation

Sun 02 Mar

10:30 am - Confirmation Away Day

Sun 09 Mar

9:30 am - Confirmation Session 4

Sun 23 Mar

9:30 am - Confirmation Session 5

Sun 04 May

9:30 am - Confirmation Session 6

Sun 18 May

9:30 am - Confirmation Session 7

Sun 08 Jun

10:30 am - Confirmation Retreat Day

Wed 18 Jun

6:30 pm - Confirmation Rehearsal

Sat 21 Jun

11:00 am - Confirmation Mass


    To register your interest in Being confirmed in the Catholic Church in the Cheltenham Deanery, please provide the following information.
    This will be digitally stored by the Parish and used in support of your confirmation.

    Please note - this form is meant to be completed by the person wishing to be confirmed.

    We also need information about your Family and your History:

    Please note that if you were not baptised in Cheltenham, then we will need to have a copy of your Baptismal Certificate which you should bring tot he first confirmation program session.

    The Following Information is About Your Responsible Adult

    Please provide contact details for someone who we could contact should there be an urgent need, during one of the confirmation sessions.
    If we find it difficult to contact you, we may contact this person: e.g. if you do not arrive for a meeting and we were expecting you. They will also be your 'next of kin' details that we have at the meetings to contact in the event of any kind of emergency.

    We will also send them dates and other information about the practicalities of the program (the same emails as we will send to you to let you know dates of meetings etc).

    GDPR Acceptance (required) Information provided on this form, together with all other personal data held about these individuals by the Parish and the Clifton Diocese, is processed in accordance with the Diocese's Privacy Notice; which is available at or from the Parish Office.