Monday of Week 14

Hosea 2.16-18,21-22; Psalm 144; Matthew 9.18-26

Hosea (called Osee in some older English Catholic Bibles) is one of the most accessible of the prophets. We hear readings from this book as the first lesson at mass each day of this week, but it is a worthwhile exercise to read through the whole of the book. Hosea is the first of the ‘minor’ prophets (so-called because their writings are short in length) gathered together in the Hebrew Bible as the Book of the Twelve.

Central to the prophecy is Hosea’s personal life: bluntly God directed the prophet [1.2] to ‘Go, marry a whore, and get children with a whore.’ Hosea’s marriage to Gomer [1.3] and their unpleasantly-named children: Jezreel, named after a city with a long and bloody history; Jezebel, King Ahab’s queen, had died there when she was thrown from a window
[II Kings 9.35-36]; Unloved; and Not-my-People dominate the first three chapters of Hosea’s prophecy. Gomer is taken to be symbolic of Israel, unfaithful (‘adulterous’) to God himself.

Throughout the spectacle of Hosea’s unhappy marriage, however, the prophet never loses hope. ‘I am going to lure her and lead her out into the wilderness and speak to her heart’ he declares of his wife. Hosea will behave towards Gomer as God does towards Israel. Israel’s disobedience isn’t the last word about this relationship, but only the penultimate. The last word belongs to God, who has pledged himself never to give up. [Genesis 9.12-17]

Saint Oliver Plunket, Bishop, Martyr

Friday of week 13 in Ordinary Time; Amos 8:4-6,9-12; Psalm 118(119):2,10,20,30,40,131; Matthew 9:9-13

Saint Oliver Plunket On the Catholic Dictionary.

Saint Oliver Plunket has a particular story, about negotiating with rebels, and the authorities, and enabling a truce in which both camps faces were saved, the rebels granted safe exit to another place and peace restored. All this at a time when because of his allegiance ti Rome, he himself was a target for the courts. He was indeed eventually arrested on made up charges know as the Popish Plot, transported to London, found guilty and put to death.

Jesus led the way on this - dining with the hated tax collectors - but showing that God's salvation was available for all. It has been said that Jesus's band of apostles make the most unlikely group to work together  - tax collectors working for the Roman invading army, eating and praying together with characters like Judas Iscariot - Iscaros is a dagger, so Judas was a 'dagger man' - an assassin for hire perhaps. Academic, other worldly men with their heads in books all day (John) and tough, working men earning a dangerous living fishing.

Both Oliver Plunket, and Our Lord Jesus, have shown us how to work with others, even when that seems impossible. Today let us pray for St Oliver Punket's guidance when we have to work with difficult or trying people.