Holy Thursday 9 April 2020

At the start of the last Supper

We suggest you sing with good cheer the hymn 'Praise to the Holiest in the Height'. Click here to reach the accompaniment Deacon David McConkey has recorded for you.

Liturgy of the Word prepared by parishioners of St Gregory

Gospel, Fr David's Sermon and Blessing

At sunset or early evening have a simple meal together, including bread and wine, if possible. Beforehand, maybe earlier in the day, read 1Corinthians 11:23-26 and John 13:1-15. During the course of the meal talk about what Jesus was doing when he was celebrating the Passover. Talk together on what the washing of the feet in John’s gospel means for us today, in how we show love for one another. It might be possible to choose a specific act you could engage in over the Easter period, eg contribute to a food bank or charity, write or phone someone, make it a unique gesture that suits your family, or your circumstances.
Finish with a prayer thanking God for all we have been given.

The following documents may help you to celebrate a passover meal and lead to fruitful discussion about our Lord's Last Supper.
Passover With Children  and The Story of Moses for Children
Background to Passover (including full Passover service rite from the North American Jewish Community)
Today we recommend that you attend the on line mass at Clifton Cathedral, which will be followed by the traditional watching at the alter of repose of the Blessed Sacrament. This starts live at 20:00 and the watching continues to night prayer at 22:00 (drop in and out whenever you have time).
Good Friday

At 11:30 in the morning, go to the Parish 'zoom' service of stations of the cross for Children.

At 3pm, if possible, gather together with a cross in the middle of the gathering. Read together, John 18:1-19:42. (If children are present tell the story in an age appropriate way rather than reading the text.) Spend some time quietly and pray for the pain and suffering of our world. Depending on how many are there, it might be good to encourage everyone to share and pray for where they see suffering at present.

You might also / instead participate in the services streamed from Clifton Cathedral.
Finish with an Our Father.

At 17:00 you may join with Parishioners in saying the Stations of the Cross, using zoom.
For the Easter Vigils, parishioners of St Gregory the Great have recorded the readings and Psalms that we would have had.

The Exultet

The Vigil readings and Psalms

Fr David has recorded the Gospel and his sermon for Easter.

You can also visit the Cathedral for the Vigil Mass streamed live.
We were blessed with a live stream of Mass presided at by Fr David Mills and are working on repeating this each Sunday whilst the Church is closed due to the pandemic.  

We also have:

The readings for the Mass of the day:

Fr David's Easter Sermon:

You can also visit the Cathedral for 09:30 Mass streamed live.