Acts 7:51-8:1; Psalm 30(31):3-4,6,8,17,21; John 6:30-35
"I am the bread of life" said Jesus.
The food we need does not come from prophets, kings or priests - it comes from - it IS - Christ himself.
Without a commentary we might not realise that the structure of today's passage is that of a synagogue homily typical of Jesus' time. The teacher uses the Law (Exodus 16:15) followed by a Prophet (Isiah 54:13). The order is important. We need to believe first (Law), then know what is to be eaten (Prophets) and then finally, to consume - to eat at the banquet of Wisdom (Proverbs 9).
This technique lives on to this day as most of our Sunday Masses use the same structure, although we make use of either law and prophets, followed by teachings of the apostles, and finally feast on the word of the Lord himself int he Gospel reading.