Stitch and Pray
Stitch and Pray meet in the old priory to pray for Parish Projects and other needs, and to craft items. All abilities and ages are welcome - advice is available from the team.
Meetings are Scheduled on the Parish Calendar to be seen on the home page..
Enquiries - contact Sue Holbrook.
Saving Santa's World
Did you know that at Christmas consumers in the UK will use 227, 000 miles of wrapping paper- enough to stretch nine times around the world? Over 83 km2 of this will end up in our bins as that containing foil, glitter and sticky tape cannot be recycled. Approximately 50,000 trees are used to make the 8,250 tonnes of paper consumed at Christmas. The Stitch and Pray group are proposing to have a day on 19th October to make reusable Christmas fabric bags as an alternative to wrapping paper. The day will be open to all to: cut, measure and stitch simple bags which will be sold to raise funds for our Parish Projects. We will be collecting fabrics in Christmas colours- red, green, white and gold. The plan is to use as much recycled fabric as possible so if you are planning to discard any shirts, sheets etc in these colours, please consider donating to the project. Contact Sue Holbrook 01242 577029